I am a 40 something traveller born in Romania and living in New Zealand for over a decade, hence the Rom(anian – En)glish Vagabond.
A wanderer, an adventurer constantly alternating between cultures and countries, between the practicality and comfort of a full-time job and the temptation of a nomad lifestyle.
I love long strolls on the beach, sunsets, exploring family restaurants and small boutiques in tiny villages in the middle of nowhere, I love discovering new places and cultures, mountains, the oceans and tropical islands, I love big cities, history, fortresses, museums and traditions, I love long drives, old cemeteries, waterfalls, temples, airports, and everything in between!
My travels have brought me to Europe, the Middle East, South America, Canada, Asia, Pacific Islands and throughout Australasia. I am also a big fan of traveling locally, you’ll often find me exploring around New Zealand.
Travelling is not too hard or too expensive, and the world is an amazing place. I have learned that we have way more in common with others than one might assume in the first place. We only have one world, and it’s far too beautiful and interesting to miss out on. Let’s explore it together!